Psoriasis is a condition of a skin when exists imbalance between growth of new cages of a skin and to refusal from old from them were lost. On faster rates, that these new cages of a skin, for this reason forms heavy accumulation of old cages of a skin as they cannot keep the same rates of growth.
Usual level, that develops healthy cages of a skin 21 till 28 days. Psoriasis increases rates of development to 3 - 6 days. It leads to increase in quantity of dead cages of a skin which have not been removed yet and on a skin. This accumulation of forms crusty weights and even papules under causes inflammations occur also to pus to develop.
It usually develops on joints, such, as elbows and knees, a breast and application. It mentions both men, and women of any age. The statistics shows, that is more than seven millions the Americans who have suffered with this illness.
Psoriasis is theoretically can result from disorders in immune system when it becomes too active. When there is an inflammation, its reaction of building of new cages will be aggravated because of this disorder.
There are some methods of treatment psoriasis. It is always safe to try the first the simple form of the reference before use more difficult. Consult the first yours dermatologist to define, that it is better for your skin.
Psoriasis treatment...
Some treatments psoriasis includes:
Natural Sunlight:
Can be useful in elimination psoriasis. Try to receive a sunlight daily, but do not forget to use a sun-protection cream that it was possible to avoid burns which as it has been shown to make worse, psoriasis.
Whether is actual medicines that allows the manufacture chamber. Anthralin it is necessary to use with the big care as it can cause irritation of a skin with adjoining areas.
Glycolic acid:
Is the best variant for removal of dead cages of a skin. It is better for using in 1,8 - 3 % a solution with рН not above 3,5 at use as treatment psoriasis.
Coal tars:
It in shampoos, lotions and creams. Do not use coal pitch you be going to be for the sun. It can lead to solar burns.

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