Free radicals...
Free radicals - the main reason of ageing of an organism process. They are freely in an organism. As a matter of fact, free radicals atoms or groups of atoms which are absent electrons owing to what they are astable are. To receive back the stability, they receive electrons from the next atoms, breaking off their strong chemical bonds that does other atom incapacitated.
Ultra-violet beams from the sun of the reasons of flash of free radicals on a surface of a skin, damage of collagen and elastin of molecules contains in a skin. The given trauma deforms the form of a molecule of collagen that leads to wrinkles and to drop occur on a skin. Unless you have not noticed, people, as a rule, on the sun, as a rule, consider more mature, than those who in premises time most part. Then elastin molecules also are damaged by free radicals. With elastin fiber is is responsible a skin for flexibility, a damage of its molecules the skin will result will lose the elasticity and ability to return to the initial form. When it will occur, years will be added to your appearance.
Damages collagen starts to worsen, and, in effect, there is a deformation. Healthy collagen smoothly and additives. The more free radicals of a damage you, the there is more than drop and wrinkles. The tempered skin you see people who spend time in a sun life, as a result of collagen cross references.
Elastin is the squirrel in a skin that gives it elasticity. Free radicals turn of elastin in something reminding dried up a plait. Your skin loses in the spring back. Elasticity decreases, and to look in the summer.
Melanin, the pigment is responsible for the character, also suffered from free radicals disturbing its distribution, thereby you non-uniform stains or age stains as they name them, on a skin, since freckles and big brown of them. Manufacture melanin were upset also disorder enough, doing your skin to look back.
Healthy skin, as a rule, have the chambers each 21-28 days replenish. Sun influences of free radicals, interferes with this process, detaining manufacture of new cages. As life expectancy of cages makes approximately 21-28 days, by manufacture of new cages is slowed down, the skin will consist basically of old, dying cages, therefore you of age prematurely. Baskin-Ridzh in the necessary volume of a sunlight, it is good and for a skin, and long contact to it as when you to sunbathe, will destroy it, doing to look elderly and ailing, and young and healthy.
Actions of free radicals which shake. They can act as you is much more senior your age. And nevertheless many people continue to promote a myth that sunburn is young and healthy.
Numerous a sunlight in ultra-violet beams, especially at midday can cause growth of free radicals in a skin that does the mechanism of normal growth of cages of malfunction. If this practice remains, finally will lead to a skin cancer, and finally to illness

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