Eczema or atopic dermatitis, the condition of a skin which everything can be caused is, that the person touches or on the contrary. It is reaction of a skin to the neolearnt object which can lead extreme itchiness on a site. Treatment should be source instructions to have possibility to establish necessary medicines.
Eczema appears in any place of a body. It gives feeling insatiable itchiness that only to zero. When it will occur, can lead to deterioration of a condition after repair can cause wounds a place. Skin surfaces can appear cracks, a bark, about vials, reddened, dry or pale.
This condition of excessive reaction of immune system of an organism. Idle time by allergen can cause the full answer blow up to get rid of it. It is too perceived very inconveniently a rash, irritation of a skin close because of sharp scratches and even a skin inflammation.
For prevention of cases inadequate, you should care about your immune systems. Consult with the dermatologist that the best way of the control eczema, and also is ordered by medicines that them to supervise.
You can strengthen and promote activization of your immune system by means of following additives and a foodstuff:
Make the general mineral and mineral substances, additives.
To buy EFA on local food shop of health and, at least, 2 table basic fat acids in day, or on EFA oil or cod-liver oil of tablets. If you suffer from rather disturbing eczema, you can double the sum of 4 dining rooms.
Try to add a food, such, as glyconutrients or beta glucan.
Try to accept a lot of vitamin B. Liquid vitamin B always recommended to provide full absorption. B the liquid is not acquired in a stomach. It is absorbed an oral cavity mucous membrane. It is very important, if a skin is very underlined.
He often helps to drink green tea, twice a day. The reason green tea is that is frequent eczema reaction sour. Thus, it helps to make your body slightly alkaline.
Two-three times a day get to a habit drinking green or black tea. It contains antioxidants and can calms of nerves.
Do not forget to put on the sun the block in first half of day every day. Sun blocks contain oxide zinc or dioxide of the titan. Components such as avobenzone, are capable to provoke new flareups. They are often used in chemical sun-protection and it should be avoided.
Use actual and vanQver ointments which contain the basic fat acids. Some components which EFA are tryglycerides, coconut oil, the maintenance oleic acids linoliec acid, Borage oil, flaxseed oil, cod-liver oil and an oil preparation. There are others, not mentioned above.

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