Sun a damage...
The sun welcomes us when we to clear in first half of day and calls us for the rests, that in it. Time of our daily activity, such, as wakefulness, a dream and food intake which our modulation Internal a rhythm, and they are based on the sun. We need the sun for a survival and livelihood.
The sun gives us health bonuses. Sunshine stirs heavy diseases by a rickets as it works about body for the vitamin D necessary for health of vitamin. In moderate doses, the sun can cure immune system skin diseases, as psoriasis and pains. Your eyes it is required about 15-20 minutes of an indirect sunlight in day of yours of hormones normally to function.
At the same time the sun can be injurious to our health. Sun influence causes formation of free radicals on our skin. Free radicals are incomplete molecules of this barbarous electrons they should from other molecules, thereby putting a damage of other molecules. They collagen and elastin damages, among the other. Free radical damages leads to damage of a skin, ageing, wrinkles and a skin cancer.
We need to be enough the sun healthy, but too much sun can force to look us before from time, and can even kill us.
The sun radiates three kinds of light:
UVA are the fullest of type of solar radiation and the reason of damage of a skin and a skin cancer. UVA can get from glass that it was possible even to sit too much sun in the car or near a solar window. UVA does not feel hot and not to burn a skin.
Let out UV beams of a spectrum more strongly, than UVA and can cause instant damage of a skin, causing burns blisters.
Laws is are filtered a planet ozone layer. However, as planet ozone layer it continues to be exhausted more laws of radiation reaches the Earth. It also causes a damage to a skin.
All a sunlight makes free radicals and solar radiation, it is possible also burns, damages of a skin and, probably, a skin cancer.

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