Teeth whitening


Main bleaching tooth the recipe
3-6 the wild strawberry has ripened

1 teaspoon (5 ml) a batch of soda and 1 teaspoon

1 teaspoon (5 ml) cream Tartar

1 cup of water

For Mark
1: Make mashed potatoes of wild strawberry in the amalgamator or the similar device.
2: Fill in fruit in small Custard the size of a plate.

For use
1: Use a brush or the Tooth-brush with berry paste on yours of teeth.
2: Allow to insert to sit for 5 minutes.
3: Now add 1 teaspoon of soda and a batch cream Tartar on a water cup.
4: Swish soda water approximately in your mouth in circular movement.
5: Brush your teeth from 1 teaspoon of soda of a usual batch.
6: to wash out cool water.

It does treatment 1.

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