Best Homemade natural Deodorants Recipe


1 / 4 cups (50 ml) fresh a thyme

Pleasure from 1 orange

1 / 2 cups (125 ml) apple vinegar

For Mark
1: Place fresh a thyme and orange pleasure in bank.
2: to pour in apple vinegar and behind grasses.
3: the Cover of a glass with a nonmetallic cover.
4: Abrupt mixes for 2 weeks, jolting daily.

For use
1: we Take two claps spheres. 2: fill in 1 dining room (15 ml) in vinegar during two clap with balls.
3: rub it is impregnated a clap by balls in each hand.

It does 4 ounces

Comment (1)

I hope this won't have any side effect, people do try it at your own risk. I will still prefer to purchase one from market. Anyways thank you for sharing it