Dry to care of a skin...
Dehydration is a loss of water in an organism, and is sometimes serious to cause a shock as the human body consists for seventy five percent of water. For the decision of this problem it is necessary to learn at first its principal cause. A number of factors as environment, weather conditions, a state of health, a way of life or does a skin dry. Some of them are easily eliminated also others will occupy more time and efforts.
To avoid dehydration, it is necessary to drink at least eight glasses of water in day, about 64 ounces of water, in more degrees of really hot weather. If you do not receive water enough in an organism, dehydration can. In eight points do not include other drinks you use within day, as tea, coffee, milk, soda or juice. These drinks it is necessary to limit consumption as some of them can Dehydrate still your skin and on other conditions of a skin, such as eels.
Unnatural air-conditionings from house or office systems of heating and air cooling holds by land deletes a moisture from your skin. A room humidifiers can be used for preservation of humidity of air. The humidifier can be established on the house furnace to help to keep a moisture in house atmosphere. Installation of the such can be a little bit more expensive, but helps to avoid to a dry skin especially in places with an arid climate, such, as the western states. Council of day it is useful to hold houses damp completion some pots with water is, and to place it in strategic places in the house. They should be filled, when the water level becomes low.
Inhabitants a droughty climate, such as Colorado, Alaska, Utah, Arizona, and in other places. You cannot make air more damp out of, but it is possible to use humidifiers indoors. Fill porcelain Kroc with water, and variety round your house. Factory when water evaporated.
Excessive use exfoliants can also a dry skin, that reddish and rough. Treatment only to reduce frequency of use are poured by the harmful chemical. Use of bushes exfoliants with polyurethane foam beads or corn as it not a dry skin. Besides, excessive use of the actual medical products ordered for a skin as Retin - and HYDROQUINONE also can cause a skin inflammation. To use it is necessary to cut down for all three days while the skin becomes normal.
Excessive the actual recipe of a medicine for a skin, such as - Retin, benzoyl peroxide or HYDROQUINONE. They can make a skin dry, red, and inflamed. Cut off back on use and for any other day or every day to your skin, normalises also smudges has begun to live.
Before use of any body a product on yourselves, you should consult skin of the expert or assured skin the technician. As there is a lot of care of a skin in the market today, you always should tests, that approaches to your skin is better. If he considers, too dry or suspensions there is, that, probably, is not the best product for you. Funds are used or a powder or a liquid, it is necessary to feed a skin and does not cause to run low. She will help to learn type of a face skin from you, or if fat or dry, to have possibility to choose the correct base to your type of a skin.
Use the fund or powder that is too drying for your skin. If your skin considers hard at noon, consider transition Your foundation or powder on one more moisture and oils of the absorption less.
The Salon of the treatment pleasure to enjoy. However too good thing can bring about his(its) destruction. Care in salon follows to do each six weeks, to say the least, for skin particularly, removing. Consult with Aesthetisian offers on skin proper mode for you.
There are some medicines that can lead to dehydration. If these preparations are not are really necessary for your body if it only addition, instead of for treatment of the basic diseases, and then to stop its use. If it is impossible then simply to try to avoid other reasons of dehydration of a skin.
Some diseases also can lead to skin dehydration, as a flu, and a cancer. Modern beats off to water detention that conducts to dehydration. A treatment cancer as the chemotherapy and radiating treatments can Dehydrate skin also. Is better will keep to your skin hydrated even when patients of a drinking many liquid.
Journey on a plane can cause to your skin to receive dehydration. As in a cabin air dry, especially at height of thirty thousand foots, Moisturizer should be applied to a plane flies up. Spritzing your person with a toner the decision which contains humectant or is much easier, the cleared water can promote humidifying of your skin during flights.
Pollution also plays a part in skin dehydration. You can choose to stop pollution or simply to take care of own skin, following ought and the skin, ordered by a mode for you.
The use of spirits also leads to dehydration as alcohol is diuretic. Diuretic to scoop water from an organism and water level decrease in an organism. It is lowered usually represents organism dehydration. If you are inclined to a dry skin, alcoholic drinks it is necessary to avoid. Smoking also has the same influence on a body. Even if you only the addressee of passive smoking, it nevertheless can cause dehydration. Therefore, to avoid dehydration, to the smoking termination.
Smoking. Smoking dries in body internal and external. It affects also smokers and people, under condition of passive smoking. The unique decision - to refuse smoking.
Drinking Sodas, or usual or diets, are capable to lead to dehydration. These kinds of drinks have sodium as a component, which to the acidity reason. Avoid Sodas and to increase your inflow of the cleared water. The aerated waters dissolved dioxide carbon in its structure, which also is highly acidic to avoid other sparkling drinks, and.
The good dream helps considerably with moisture preservation in a skin at night. At least from six till eight o'clock the dream is necessary to function for an organism of the peak. Avoid there is a starch, sugar white, defective food, a fried potato and chips as it also can lead to skin dehydration.
There are some more reasons which can lead to skin dehydration, all of them saw in our daily life. If only people knew about this, and then complaints to dry skin can be avoided. Our modern and a carefree life promotes it of a skin. Only change of our regular habits, we can avoid a dry skin. After modification of our life and environment, here some councils how to look after your skin.
Dry skin treatment...
After you to go to work on lives and the ecological changes offered, it is time to come to work on your skin. Execute following offers:
Elimination dehydration skin begins with diligent to finish daily ritual of leaving of a skin. Do not forget to clear, a tonality and humidify twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
Collected accurately and regularly, using soft the alpha hydroxyl acids to dismiss dead cages of a skin, that accumulation in a skin because of its dryness and keratinization. Improvement of a skin natural humidifying factor can be reached at the expense of use of dairy acid, squalene, glycerine, urea and treatments. On a special mode for your skin, it is possible to apply humidifying mask to make a skin to remain damp, but be convinced, that it not casually dry skin.
For special processing of a skin, apply humidifying mask to change on a damp skin. Be convinced, that a mask not really dry, and on a skin.
Use a sun-protection cream with the right
The factor of solar protection and Moisturizer at overcooling. Choose the base keeping a moisture in a place, as what contain glyconucleopeptides, silicone, or silicate. Drink cod-liver oil in capsules which contain the basic fat acids, or linen oil, every day. They will make your skin soft and additives. A dose of 10 capsules or 2 dining rooms it is possible enough. True five vegetables till ten portions and fruit daily from each meal helps also humidifying a skin.
Choose the base, that seals in a moisture as, for example, which contains silicone, silica, or glyconucleopeptides.
Acceptance of the basic fat acids which contain in capsules of cod-liver oil or linen oil, every day. To accept about 10 capsules or 2 dining rooms. They will make your skin soft and additives. Eat 5-10 portions of vegetables and fruit dailt or, at least 2 from each meal.
Electrolits Besides, follows it is balanced to help to regulate level of hydration of an organism. They can be found in fruit, as bananas and oranges instead of so-called power drinks as Gatorade as it consists from many sugar and artificial components

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