The road we travel from the sunrise to the sunset of our lives is known as aging. To a degree the rate at which we age results from both genetic and environmental factors. We have no control over the former but have a significant influence over the latter. Certain foods we eat, the air we breathe, and the sun we expose ourselves to are major environmental stress factors (ESF) which are largely the result of the lifestyle choices we make. Premature aging of the skin results to a significant degree from making the wrong choices. On the other hand, a diet high in fruits and vegetables, breathing clean air, avoiding smoking, and minimizing sun exposure or certainly using effective sunscreens whenever we are exposed to sun light, are choices that greatly reduce these environmental stress factors (ESF) which lead to premature aging.
The skin reacts to these environmental stress factors by producing free radicals. Research has shown that free radicals are responsible for premature aging and certain forms of cancer. The body's natural defense mechanisms, which include antioxidants, fight to destroy free radicals before they can cause cellular inflammation that leads to permanent damage. If excessive numbers of free radicals are produced they begin to overwhelm the body's natural defense mechanisms and the extensive cellular injury is no longer able to adequately heal. In the skin, this type of permanent injury goes on to form microscopic scars. As these tiny scars proliferate, a visible wrinkle forms and thus presents as an early visible sign of premature aging.
We must minimize the environmental stress factors (ESF) in order to reduce premature aging of the skin. Fortunately, smoking and atmospheric pollutants have been reduced through education and legislation. Increased protection from harmful UVA rays in sunlight has occurred with the development of SPF sunscreens. However, most sunscreens provide inadequate protection. More effective products containing EPF (environmental protection factor), IPF (immune protection factors), and DNA repair enzymes, that better protect against damaging UVA 1 rays, are now being developed.
Current cosmecueutical research is now focusing on the inclusion of powerful, new antioxidants, as well as DNA repair enzymes. As these become available in the very near future, major breakthroughs in anti-aging skin care will take place.
In summary, significant progress against the oxidative environmental stress factors is occurring with ongoing health education, the development of new, highly potent antioxidants and DNA repair enzymes, more effective sunscreens, and new cosmeceuticals targeting an individual unique DNA. This promises to lead to a profound advancement in the area of ant-aging skin care.
Dr. Friedman has great expectations for what's to come in the advancement of anti-aging skin care but in the mean time he offers advice and solutions to those of us who are already seeing moderate to severe signs of aging.
Source: Friedman Plastic Surgery/ /
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