Anti Aging Creams: Are They Effective?



If you have been avoiding the bathroom and any other space that has a mirror because you don't want to see the wrinkles and fine lines you know are there, it is time to get rid of them with anti aging creams. The trouble is knowing if they worked. In reality, some are nothing more than a smelly cream while others work a little and others are highly effective.
Store shelves, the Internet, and television channels are filled with products that all make the same claim - your wrinkles will magically melt away and you will look younger. Since all of them don't work, how can you tell the difference between the real products and the frauds? One way to recognize an effective anti aging cream is to examine before and after pictures. They show you exactly how well they worked. These images are definitely a good way to tell the good products from the bad ones.
Clinical trials and expert research is another way to tell how well a product works. Many different anti aging creams have been tested in different ways and by different experts. Look through the results of these studies to see what kinds of results they have found. The best clinical trials are those performed by an independent third party that will give you an objective view of the product.
Learn how the cream reacts on and with your skin to eliminate wrinkles. Keep in mind that not all anti aging creams work the same. Some are rich in moisturizers that create a thin layer on the skin's surface in order to trap the water inside. This causes the skin to lift and the wrinkles to disappear. Anti aging creams that use this method only work when they are applied.
Some creams contain 3D microcrystals of silicon dioxide that sit on your skin and reflect light back to your eye so that the shadow of the wrinkle disappears. These formulas are highly successful at hiding the wrinkles and fine lines on your skin, but they do nothing to actually treat them.
Yet another variety of anti aging cream improves the actual make up of your skin to give you anti aging benefits well into the future. To do this, they eliminate the free radicals that cause wrinkles to form through the power of antioxidants.
Anti aging creams that contain collagen fillers or enhancers are effective at fighting wrinkles as well. These products improve the texture and look of your skin by adding collagen back into your skin. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein in your skin that decreases as you age. By replenishing this collagen, the benefits of this style of treatment cream works well to take the years off your skin.
The last type of anti aging treatment creams contains either beta hydroxyl acid (BHA) or alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA). These substances act on the surface of your skin as chemical exfoliates to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines. They are available in a less potent over the counter variety, or you can have a dermatologist prescribe you products with a higher concentration.
The only way to determine if an anti aging wrinkle cream is truly effective at eliminating the signs of aging from your skin is to try it out. When you do, look for products that offer you the option of refunding your money if the product doesn't work. This indicates that the company stands behind its products and believes they work. It also eliminates the risk of wasting your money.
You can see that these products do work and even know how to find an effective anti aging skin care cream. Go ahead and try one of them out. Just keep in mind that the younger you are when you start to use them, the better the results will be.
Want the anti aging cream that gives instant results? Then see these reviews by Marcus Ryan of the Athena 7 Minute face lift cream that works in just 7 minutes. How does the 7 Minute wrinkle cream work to give such instant results? Find out in this review of the anti skin aging product that is said to be the non surgical face lift cream in a jar.

Cutting Age Advances in Anti-Aging Skin Care



The road we travel from the sunrise to the sunset of our lives is known as aging. To a degree the rate at which we age results from both genetic and environmental factors. We have no control over the former but have a significant influence over the latter. Certain foods we eat, the air we breathe, and the sun we expose ourselves to are major environmental stress factors (ESF) which are largely the result of the lifestyle choices we make. Premature aging of the skin results to a significant degree from making the wrong choices. On the other hand, a diet high in fruits and vegetables, breathing clean air, avoiding smoking, and minimizing sun exposure or certainly using effective sunscreens whenever we are exposed to sun light, are choices that greatly reduce these environmental stress factors (ESF) which lead to premature aging.
The skin reacts to these environmental stress factors by producing free radicals. Research has shown that free radicals are responsible for premature aging and certain forms of cancer. The body's natural defense mechanisms, which include antioxidants, fight to destroy free radicals before they can cause cellular inflammation that leads to permanent damage. If excessive numbers of free radicals are produced they begin to overwhelm the body's natural defense mechanisms and the extensive cellular injury is no longer able to adequately heal. In the skin, this type of permanent injury goes on to form microscopic scars. As these tiny scars proliferate, a visible wrinkle forms and thus presents as an early visible sign of premature aging.
We must minimize the environmental stress factors (ESF) in order to reduce premature aging of the skin. Fortunately, smoking and atmospheric pollutants have been reduced through education and legislation. Increased protection from harmful UVA rays in sunlight has occurred with the development of SPF sunscreens. However, most sunscreens provide inadequate protection. More effective products containing EPF (environmental protection factor), IPF (immune protection factors), and DNA repair enzymes, that better protect against damaging UVA 1 rays, are now being developed.
Current cosmecueutical research is now focusing on the inclusion of powerful, new antioxidants, as well as DNA repair enzymes. As these become available in the very near future, major breakthroughs in anti-aging skin care will take place.
In summary, significant progress against the oxidative environmental stress factors is occurring with ongoing health education, the development of new, highly potent antioxidants and DNA repair enzymes, more effective sunscreens, and new cosmeceuticals targeting an individual unique DNA. This promises to lead to a profound advancement in the area of ant-aging skin care.
Dr. Friedman has great expectations for what's to come in the advancement of anti-aging skin care but in the mean time he offers advice and solutions to those of us who are already seeing moderate to severe signs of aging.
Source: Friedman Plastic Surgery/ /