Thousands of years old recipe means skincare kept secret, as originally created only for the elite. It was such a tool, and tea, especially green. But the Chinese and Japanese attitudes to beauty and the means for its maintenance is quite different from European. For the women of the Great Wall or the Land of the Rising Sun care - it is a ritual akin to the famous tea ceremony.
Chinese or Japanese will never become a deal between the business. For her use of cosmetics, especially green tea - it is an opportunity not only to decorate themselves, but their lives, revive the everyday life, enjoy every moment.
Green tea belongs to not fermented tea, therefore, retains the vitamin (more than 10 species), and useful substances (calcium, zinc, iodine, selenium, copper, iron, manganese, folic acid, phenols, tein, etc.).
On the possibilities of the common tea polyphenols EGCG (he reactivated dying skin cells: in contact with the old cells are beginning to share and produce more energy) else known in ancient China, so the green tea used for the manufacture of creams, tonic lotions against skin aging.
Due to the vitamin B2 tea has a stimulating effect on the skin, making it more elastic, soothes and reduces peeling.
Crafty mind: put the eye pre-sealed bags with warm green tea, hold for 15-20 minutes until has yet to cool down, and forget about tiredness and bags under the eyes. If it is not green, you can use and black tea.
Gentle cheeks: freeze sealed in green tea Utensils for ice and wipe in the morning person. «Tea ice» to tone up the skin. This procedure is especially useful for skin prone to fat, so as a result of the narrowing occurs then.
But for normal or dry skin can make the honey mask: mix 100 g of honey and 2 tablespoons of green tea, and put on face for 10-15 minutes, then cool water to wash away. Contraindications to a mask may be located close to blood vessels .
Of the dry tea can make a very good calming mask for facial skin, neck and décolleté area. To do this, pound 2 teaspoons of green tea without additives to the state of the powder and mix with 4 teaspoons of rice flour (you can buy almost any large supermarket, shops with Chinese and Japanese goods, but if you can not buy, you can prepare yourself: 4 teaspoons «with slide» unpolished rice grind using coffee grinders), add the boiled hot water, mix well until the state of a homogeneous mass. After washing put the mask on the face an even layer. After 5-10 minutes, wash off. The mask helps to remove pigment spots, keeping in good condition, getting rid of wrinkles, peeling.
Green tea fights bacteria causing acne, removes redness and inflammation, and also normalizes the imbalance of hormones.
To get rid of eels, for example, you need to drink about 6-8 cups of green tea a day to improve symptoms and to make applications with this green tea on the affected areas. To do this, put a piece of gauze, folded in half the required size, the infusion of warm tea and put on the face or back, hold for 15-20 minutes, repeat procedure if necessary. If the center of a small lesion, you can simply apply a warm tea bag to the inflammation site. Infusion tea «suck out» toxins from the skin due to the presence of antioxidants in tea.
Tea bath.
To improve the tone and stimulate the skin cells can be taken «tea» Bath. Weld 6 table spoons of dried green tea to 0.5 liters of water, let stand and pour into a warm bath. To achieve an aesthetic effect and aromatherapy can be cast into the water the flowers of jasmine or rose petals or add the appropriate essential oil.